Friday, August 1, 2008


On Monday, 12/17 Leroy had his third and final session with Pam.

Here is her report:

Hi Michelle,

Here are the notes for Leroy's session.

I channeled Reiki for a minute to connect with him, then began the body work I'd hoped he'd let me do.

I began by taking his sternum in small circles. It went smoothly in both directions, which is great.

I then took his left shoulder (the one that had been very stiff before) in small circles. The movement here was smooth and effortless as well.

Then, still on his left side, I gently lifted his ribs towards his spine and gently slid them towards his head and towards his hind end. These were tiny, smooth movements. The intention was to show him that comfortable movement is possible in his ribcage.

I also wanted to show him the connection between various parts of his body. I began with one hand on his left shoulder, the other on his left hip. I channeled Reiki to these two areas and gently, rhythmically rocked his body. I did the same with one hand on his ribs, one on his hip. Then one hand on his hip, one on his greater trochanter. I then sent Reiki and movement up through his seat bones. The movement seemed to go through smoothly; I didn't notice it catching anywhere.

I then moved to his right side and repeated what I had done on the left.

He then directed me to his neck. I channeled Reiki on the left side and then on the right. He then presented his chest/heart chakra. I channeled Reiki to this area.

My sense of him throughout the session was that he is solid, centered.
I asked him if there was anything he wanted to say, and he responded (as he did last week), "I am so very happy."
The rest of the "conversation" came to me as indirect dialog: It is clear that he has fully accepted your home as his. There is no fear, no tension. He is open to learning and said he is ready for his new job. He is grateful for the three healing sessions but feels he is fine now, that he has "recovered," and no longer needs my attention. He is concerned for you, Michelle, and would like to assist you in your healing. He sees himself as a source of power that you can draw from. He says he will not be depleted because he has been reconnected to "Source" and the energy is flowing freely.
He also said he would like a closer relationship with your children.
I'm going to miss working with this big, gorgeous guy, but I am thrilled that he doesn't need me anymore.
Thank you again for allowing me to work with him. And thank your for taking him into your home and your heart.
Be well,
Reiki Energy Healing
Animal Communication
Neuro-Muscular Retraining
I am SO THRILLED with his progress. Leroy has moved forward by leaps and bounds since Pam has worked with him. He is acting like a normal horse now. He gets excited for his dinner and dances waiting for it to be prepared, he is anticipating my movements in delivering the feed, so he is learning the "wait" signal, which he learns very fast. I am now able to somewhat influence his movement with just a wave of my hand, to have him move out of my way so I can deliver his hay (he likes to stand in front of me and block my path). I can pet him all over his body. I have not tried the legs yet, but I don't expect much problem. I've scratched his forehead the last couple of days, and he liked it. This is new, he wouldn't let me touch his head at all before.

My friend, Judith, stopped over to meet him yesterday. He was slightly standoffish to her, he didn't really want her petting him, but he was polite, and sniffed her outstretched hand, and just moved out of the way when she asked to pet him (sound familiar?) So I hope to have people come visit him, and he can learn that I am not the exception, but his past humans were the exception, and other people are good, and kind, and friendly, and don't hurt horses.

Oh, and Leroy let me put a little Christmas bow in his mane for my annual "torture the ponies for pictures" session. I also had a Christmas tablecloth in my bag, that I drape over their backs. I had no intention of doing so with Leroy, I actually only came into his paddock for a scratch and a "Hello, Handsome" (which is my nickname for him). But when I removed the tablecloth to dig out a bow, he got concerned when he saw that "big thing", kinda gave it the hairy eyeball. So he still didn't seem to want anything to do with tack/etc. on his body. We'll get there. I did rub his shoulder and back with some baling twine I had in my hand, and I'll start using different things like washcloths, etc.

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